Blueberry Disease? Or Normal?

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Does this orangeish-red material indicate some bacterial or viral infection, or some other issue? It sent up two new stewms this year, but the plant is lagging well behind all others.

If it is something of concern, what do you recommend? OMRI copper? Prune out all the old wood and just leave the new?

Or, after all that, does this appear normal? I’ve never seen this before, so I am concerned…

To me that looks like the older stems are in the process to transitioning to a more barky exterior. If any stems aren’t showing good vigor, they can be removed to focus energy on the younger stems with better vigor.

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Thank you.

I’ve never hasd one go orange/ rust colored like this…

I’m also getting some twig dieback. I cut some off, but if you look at the first picture, at the little twigs at the very top left, you’ll see them going black & dying back.

That was another concern.

any other opinions?

Prune out the old wood. Then fertilize regularly. Your plant seems to lack vigor. That could be pH too high, lack of fertilizer, or not enough water.

I did. That just wasn’t sitting well with me. It was unproductive anyways.

The orange / rust coloring is what I’m still curious about…