Recently 2 of my elephant heart plums have had noticeable brown spots on them. I will attach a photo but from my basic research it seems it could be a million different things. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas?
Spray what?
Never seen that. If you still have that fruit cut it open, what does it look like?
looks different from brown rot.
If it’s only two plums I would ignore it unless it also appears on more plums. All sorts of strange things can happen on a couple fruits and I have had many such things I never figured out the source of. My wild guess is some bug was munching on it, it doesn’t look like a disease. It could also be burn from a spray but I somewhat doubt that.
Internally the brown part was slightly drier but wasn’t discolored on the inside. The portion that was not damaged taste like a normal elephant heart but maybe slightly more tart at the skin than normal
Hi moonknight, thanks for posting about your plum problem. I too have had the same brown circles on about a third of my Elephant Heart plums this year. I was beginning to think I was the only one on google with this brown circle problem.
The circles on my plums grow larger concentrically as the plum ripens but the skin remains smooth and intact so it doesnt seem to be actually rotting. When the infected plum is cut open the circle is scab-like with a firm button-like projection growing into the flesh. Fascinating and kind of creepy. The rest of the plum is healthy and edible. Its just really annoying on otherwise perfect fruit. My tree has nearly finished fruiting but if any of the remaining plums develop the spots I’ll post some pictures.
Im curious to know what sort of disease this is and if it can be prevented. Maybe its peculiar to Elephant Heart plums?
Thanks for your post jaypeedee. The article explains the disease precisely - mystery solved. I appreciate you taking the time to share it, thank you.