Browning leaves on recently transplanted grafts

Hi folks - so as I mentioned in my earlier posts I transplanted my grafts into an outdoor fenced nursery about 2 weeks ago. They seem, for the most part, to be doing ok. I’ve used clips on most of them to keep the whip close to the pole so that wind etc doesnt blow them over and I check them regularly.

I noticed that Im getting some leaves browning now though. Anything to be concerned about? I have a sprinkler setup but we’ve been getting a lot of rain so I havent ran it much.

Any thoughts? Thanks

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I would suggest that 6” of woodchip mulch around your new plants would be superior to a sprinkling system. Woodchips mulch provides the moist environment that soil creatures such and earthworms inhabit to enrich the soils fertility and as they breakdown vis micorrhizae they provide more nutrients to the feeder roots that come towards the surface seeking nutrients. Ever fruit tree I plant I immediately install a woodchip mulch and innoculate it for optimum performance. The brown leaves are not unusual, with the right care they will grow out of it.
Kent, Wa