Buds Flowers and Fruit - 2023 Edition

My daughter sent me these pictures of my garden

Cytherea peony

Irene Bonnet


Deep purple globe artichoke and a cute lady bug


More things fruiting in my backyard

Pink icing blueberry, one of many varieties in my backyard

Mix of strawberry varieties. I added some unique varieties last year - old north sea and Scarlett. Hoping to taste them this year.

Double gold raspberry

Sauzee king nectarine.

Saturn peach

Dwarf mulberries


A few more varieties of clematis


hazelnuts are going

my favorite momentary flowers

2 year old cherry! it’s cute, lots of blossoms I bet. I probably won’t let it fruit yet though, it’s still very small

new and old pawpaws making leaves. thanks again @Osteen for this big guy

babies on the figs. all of them.

my tulips came before my hellebore this year. strange stuff.

go back to sleep, cucumbers.

gooseberries in action.

I guess it’s just about the end of spring here. after next week it’ll be above 50F all the time day and night


These are gorgeous. How did you started all these ? Starter vines or seeds or bulbs and any source from where I can get these ?

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I ordered them as starter vines from Donahue’s Clematis, and some from Beck’s. Some of the varieties are easily propagate by ground layering, some aren’t as cooperative.


Blueberry & bumblebee:


Saharampur mulberries



Sweet cherries fruit set is very good this year . First picture is from April 7th , 2023 when flowering.


I’ve never grown peaches before, and I only have one small tree (Oregon Curlfree), planted bareroot last spring. This spring it had only a dozen or so flowers, and since I don’t have a second peach tree (and none of my immediate neighbors do), I figured it wouldn’t set any fruit.

I noticed today that a few of the flowers had not fallen off, so I gently tugged on one to see if it would just come off. Instead, the flower remnant came off and revealed this strange looking double fruitlet:

Can anyone clarify whether that’s an actual fruit (or two) that set, or whether it’s just a confused flower and will be aborted?


That does look like a double or twin,which can be caused by water stress,the previous Summer.One of those may grow larger.
Only a few Peach cultivars are not self fruitful.J.H. Hale is one and probably Indian Free.

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My Charlotte would do a lot of those until I converted it to plum

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@TNHunter Are these on a raised bed?

Its a twin. i remove them.

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twin peaches are good luck

the brightest flowers are up, and the grape hyacinths a month behind! plus some new growth on my coffee plant. debating whether to fertilize.


@tubig … pretty much everything i grow is on a raised bed (borderless)… strawberries… yes.

A few exceptions… persimmons i have grafted to my own wild rootstock… and ginseng down in the woods.

In most places my topsoil is good for 3 to 4 inches… then red stickey rocky clay. I make borderless raised beds to basically double my good topsoil depth and to help with drainage.

The raspberries are comming… blacks and reds above.

Usually have first ripe May 25 or so.

Ps… saw a few more strawberries turning red today.



@Luisport what is it?


I thought this was red leaf plum seeding when I dug it up next to my red leaf plum tree. I was going to use it to graft mume onto it. I am pleasantly surprised that it is a crabapple tree.
Can anyone tell me what kind of crabapple it might be?