It might be beautiful
They are peluche loquats.
@IL847 … love that color.
I have this one 20+ years…
Mine start off a deep red and end up light pink.
Mine makes tiny red apples. Not good for eating… It pollinates my Early Mc apple.
Prairie Fire? That looks much like it and PF fruits are too small for birds to bother with, never mind folks.
Which plant is in the first picture ? . Very interesting heart shape flowers ?
bleeding heart! I’m not sure the variety but it’s brilliant pink, with yellow flowers.
Lots of Asian pears are forming this year. They seem to handle the weird spring weather here better than the couple European pears I have despite blooming a tad earlier.
Either the erratic warm then cold late winter, or our low of -1F killed close to 1/3 of my blackberries. What survived are just starting to bloom though.
Last year a late freeze caused probably 90% of the blueberry blooms to fall off. They’re going to make up for it this year looks like.
A few of my young apple trees have new leaves which look like this. I sprayed them with some Calcium/Magnesium/Iron thinking it could be iron chlorosis. Hmm…
Virginia Beauty.
@wdingus … my illini hardy blackberries are blooming good now and they have much fewer blossoms than usual.
Wild blackberries are blooming now too and looks like no shortage of blossoms there. I may have to forage a few more wilds this year.
My tifblue bluberries got some frost damage in our march cold snap… may get a half crop from them this year… but my climax bushes are looking good… loaded.
I planted 3 stonefruit trees in spring 2020, so this is the first time all 3 are fruiting, so I’m very excited! I keep them pruned down to around 8-10 feet:
- Saturn Peach. This fruited in 2021 (delicious!), but it got decimated by squirrels in 2022, so I’m hopeful to get some again this year.
- Hollywood plum. This is the second flowing year, but the first year fruiting.
- Summer delight aprium. Again, second year flowering, first year fruiting.
I have a question about the summer delight aprium. Some of the fruits have weird moldy patches on them next to the stem. Since the aprium never fruited before, I’ve never seen this and I don’t know what it is. Can anyone tell me what the cause of the mold is, and what I can do to fix it? I picked all the moldy ones off the tree and threw them away. They look like this:
Did you spray your tree with the fruits on it? I had this happen to my cots before when I sprayed them with captan. Cots are very sensitive to sulfur and captan, and should not be sprayed with them.
Louise Odier was one of the strongest (typical rose) fragrance I’ve ever encountered!
Great to hear, I love OGR for that reason.
Is that the one that smells like Lifebuoy soap?
I don’t know… the perfume is incredible
Most trees bloom from buds that were created long before spring. AFAIK, most common fruit trees bloom before or during leafing out.
it’s got only its handful of flowers, so suppose we will get one plum. well, patience in all things or whatever they say