they’re pretty much done.
dieter tulips
honey locust (?) that had a rough winter
tomatillos from my landrace seeds
not sure what it is. can’t remember planting this.
orange is so nice
Substitute peaches…
that sounds so good
Your tulip is very pretty. dieter tulips is its name?
A couple PNW native species flowering in my neighborhood today…
Madrona (Arbutus menziesii)
Salal (Gaultheria shallon)
I believe so, or a very similar German name starts with a d. I ordered them a few years ago and don’t remember where from
My Nishimura Wase persimmon is starting to open some flowers.
Note that both male and female flowers are present in the last 2 pictures.
Male and female Cheong Pyong flowers. I don’t see any hermaphroditic flowers on the tree unlike last year.
Naeem, those are all female flowers. I think JT-02 is a girl tree.
Thanks @PharmerDrewee . I have one Diospyros virginiana growing next to it no flower on it. Also One potted prok with some flowers on it. Also two grafts from you so hopefully will get some male flowers in coming years or I need to put a graft or two on JT-02. Please correct me if this is right way or not.
I don’t think the 2 I gave you will have male flowers unless you mean ones you did from scions. My memory isn’t great but weren’t they Giombo and 20th Century? Those would be females too.
Yes I have these. So with only female flowers trees do I need a male tree to get fruit from these to cross pollinate ?
You’ll get fruit as is. I like mine pollinated because I think it helps prevent excessive fruit drop. The resulting seeds aren’t much of a bother to me.