What kind of bug is this. I found a few dead ones by my orchard building.
definitely a beetle. Looks like a Japanese beetle to me, though ours here are much more brightly colored.
Looks like a june bug to me.
yep. june bug. just started hatching here.
Are June bugs harmful to fruit trees?
Usually we get the Japanese Beatles around July 4.
We usually get June bugs in June around here.
thier grubs like eating roots but i don’t think the adults do any damage to plants.
Last night these guys were all over my trees. There seemed to be the most on my plums, but they were also on pears, apples, cherries and elderberries. I bet i picked close to a hundred off 10 young trees. They were definitely eating, but i don’t have a lot of damage this morning. The worst was one chewing petals off pear flowers. My trees are young and this is the first year flowering for most of them so I’m not real happy about any added stress. I’m thinking I’ll try insecticidal soap where i can keep it away from flowers and maybe a couple buckets of juice to trap them…
I found this bug, about 1/2", on a blackberry, but the berry is not eaten. Will it harm other fruits, like plums or figs? Thanks a lot for your help.
?The insect may be,Largus cinctus,a Bordered Plant Bug.If that is so,they like to feed on plant juices.bb
Thanks for your reply. The size and color seems to fit. It may not be a mature one because the orange border across the upper part is not complete yet, but the center orange dot is a good identification. It moves slowly and doesn’t fly unless threatened, so I think I can catch them with a bug net if I see others. I will put the tulle on the trees later. I saw a big bright red beetle, the whole wings are red, about 2" long, but it was so fast I couldn’t do anything.
btle: Your insect is a stink bug rather than one of the Bordered Plant Bugs.
Conchuela Stink Bug (Chlorochroa ligata)
But the result is the same as the Bradybb ID; this insect will feed on foliage and fruit by piercing and sucking.
Bordered plant bugs have a tapered thorax that completes the overall oval shape of the insect, rather than the stink bug’s broad shoulders.
Thank you very much. It is a perfect match now.
It does looks like one of them but the colors aren’t the ones we’re seeing on them up this way. They are more iridescent green with brown.
Not a Japanese beetle, but a different scarab beetle.
A scarab in the genus Euphoria:
If I have time later I will try a species ID
Species Euphoria sepulcralis - Dark Flower Scarab
^ occurs in Texas
" Adults appear on foliage of late spring flowers, such as Marshallia, so presumably take pollen and nectar. In Texas, reported to feed on twig of Blackjack Oak, Quercus marilandica". (bugguide quote)
Thanks. @LarryGene That’s the only one I saw and I haven’t seen any JB this far south. I was hoping they still haven’t found us!!!
Not sure I can identify with a beetle carrying the name EUPHORIA!!
The euphoria comes from getting a not-a-japanese-beetle-ID.
. So true!