Burnt Ridge vs Raintree? Who to order from

I have yet to order from Raintree, but this is a Canby raspberry Burnt Ridge sent me…

All five were that big. I ordered 23 plants and they all looked great except for a hardy kiwi that had a strip of bark missing on one side, but I think it will pull through fine as the root ball was big and the damage was several inches up.

I will definitely be ordering from them again if they have what I want.


Just got my Burnt Ridge order of hazelnuts and walnuts. Pretty nice. I’ve been burned by them before, so it is nice to see a good order.


My fedco rootstock are really nice. Much more developed than I expected. I was disappointed however that they marked three of my scions out of stock. I ordered in November and would have gone somewhere else for them had I known. I thought they reserved scions in order of ordering but it doesn’t seem so.


that happened for me last year. apparently, they source out from other local nurseries for some of their scion wood.

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I just got an order from Raintree. Overall Im satisfied, the packaging was fine, but it causes some broken branches and roots which is not a big deal as there were many intact roots and I topped the tree anyways.

My only complaint is that they sent a cherry tree to me that had a slit in the rootstock on both sides. I really don’t know if this is an issue, but gave them a call. They said it should not be an issue and just give them a call back if it does not leaf out by August 1st. My concern is that this is an area that can allow disease to enter that will affect the tree down the line…

Given where their prices are going, not sure if i would order again



If the tree lives that will heal quickly. If it’s a concern pot it up for a year or two first.


Thanks for the tips and the info, already planted in the ground though. They say if I have trouble before August 1st I can get a new tree. They said they have notes to help out of there are issues after that date. Will see how it goes


Places running out of trees/stock is nothing new. We discussed it on another post somewhere on here where even if you grow your own stock there can be diseases or trees dying making a shortage. It happens at other nurseries. I placed a order for a 5 in 1 apple tree from Stark Bros and they emailed me around a month before ship date that they ran out of stock. Lucky for me it was early enough in the season that I could go elsewhere but it cost me a extra 100 something dollars to go elsewhere. Nurseries have started to at least prepare a bit more for the surges in customers now at least. Some things did not sell out at One Green World until around March this year opposed to everyone being out of stock in January or December last season. There is still some things you need to get early or you miss out though with these online nursery. I noticed the multi grafted fruit trees sold out fast still for example. I am thinking of getting a 4 in 1 pluots in zone 5 even though many rate them to zone 6 and will have to get on those fast.

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Nursery in Keavy (Corbin) KY has 5-variety apple trees under $30.
Around 10 to pick from.

Not that that helps folks in other states I reckon.


Sadly online nursery are cheaper than our local nursery here in Colorado even if you count shipping. A bareroot tree will cost 30-50 dollars online plus 20-30 dollars shipping opposed to around 100 dollars at our Home Depot or 120+ dollars at a local nursery. People have asked on local forums here why Colorado nursery are so expensive. Then again everything is expensive here.

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Our local Whole Foods store sales 3gallon size apple tree for $19.99 each

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Colorado is becoming like Maine. getting the rich moving in from more populated areas. its whats driving up prices because the nurseries know these people are used to paying more and they take advantage of that. i like going to my local nurseries for supplies/ soil but id sadly never buy a tree there.


That is why it is so controversial with out of state people moving here to our state. Particularly Californians. Most people moving to our state are from California and you see how pricy homes/rent is there and how overpopulated it is there. They then move here bringing up prices everywhere and not changing their philosophy on things. I remember getting in a debate about online shipping with a lady and I mentioned how California is so overprotective with everything with the prop 65 labels and the getting things shipped in. The lady responded “I am from California and agree with that stuff”. I was just like owe that makes sense now.


for us its folks from MA. NY, and CT. same issue. quit trying to make the state you move to into the place you fled from!


Did you suggest she head back to the place that thinks like she does?


I would certainly say if she still holds the beliefs of another state that does not align with the state should move back. I have certainly thought about banning certain states from moving into certain states or just banning anyone from out of state from moving in for a certain amount of time to lower prices. In this ban if you move out of state you cannot move back. Whenever I suggest that many people chastise me though.


When I inevitably flee New York I wish I could afford to live in Maine!

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this part of Maine is still cheap. not so much down along the coast. it used to be until half of M.A and C.T moved there. now most locals cant afford it anymore.

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Same thing happened to some of the most desirable vacation areas of WI. The people that screwed those areas up are from IL (Chicago mainly) and the Twin Cities. I suppose it would be okay if they adapted to the areas instead of expecting the areas to adapt to them. I’m starting to see the same thing happening in west central MN.


See what the labels say on the trees. The ones I saw a couple of years ago just said " Apple" on them or " Peach". Nothing about the size of the tree or what variety of tree it was.

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