Calling all striped figs!

Fig growers –
Do you have any striped figs that are not on this list?
Please name them!

Burjassot Blanca Rimada
Burjassot Negra Rimada
Coll De Dama Rimada
LSU Tiger
Martinenca Rimada
Paratjal Rimada

plus 2 updates from Marco:
Fiorone Oro

Thanks! I will add them to the fig database under construction.

Rigato de Salento -Bifere, this is on my list

Here are a few more…

Jolly Tiger
Fiorone Oro
Oro Bianco
Oro Rosato

Maybe: CDD Mutante, Campaniere Mutante

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synonym for Panachee.

Not according to some other people. That’s why I have in my list. I already have Panachee.
Harvey has a video about Panache and BNR

Thank you. The remainder:

  • I-250 = Panachee
  • Jolly Tiger: originally a variegated fig purposely induced by virus, which fades with time. The name was then applied to both LSU Tiger and Panachee primarily by eBay sellers.
  • Oro Rosato = Fiorene Oro
  • Oro Bianco: There is a possibly caducous fig by that name introduced to the U.S. by Lorusso. It might be a San Pedro. There is also another Oro Bianco circulating in Europe which is un-striped and possibly circulating in the U.S.
  • Jesus: A cheap shot by marketers. Likely Martinenca Rimada.

Which of those in your list are you growing?

I’ll stick with the analysis decades ago by Todd Kennedy and Patrick Shafer.

Should be Fiorone.

In Italy we grew Fiorone d’Oro (that’s how we called it) at one of our farms. Currently I only grow LSU Tiger, because of climate.

“In botanica, frutto primaticcio del fico, detto anche fico fiore.”

Si signore! :blush: