We harvest wild mulberries by shaking limbs over a tarp. But I’ve read that Illinois Everbearing is difficult to harvest this way because it holds onto its berries. Has anyone experienced this?
Shaking the IE works great for me. They come off just fine when ripe.
In my limited experience, I find that IE berries hang tighter / longer than some others (e.g., Gerardi). I guess I’d agree that they loosen up eventually, but I tend not to leave them that long for fear of birds and squirrels.
So far have not been able to beat the birds to them! Few of mine make it to the fully ripe stage on the tree before birds get them. I do see some on the ground but am not sure if the dropper or were picked off.
When picking by hand they seem to hold pretty good.
Wow, IL Everbearing survives your 3b winters? Mine didnt make it through its second winter
If it is windy, less ripe mulberries will fall but it looks like a nice system
I can never harvested IE by shaking the tree. It takes a few years to start growing the berries. By the time it finally start to grow berries, the tree trunk is in a good size. It takes move efforts to shack the tree than just pick each ripe berry off the tree. I don’t think IE berries fall off the tree as easily as other mulberry trees grow in the area. Maybe when it’s very ripe, it may do. but I have never waited long enough for the berries in dead ripe stage. my situation is that either I pick the berries or the birds pick them for me.
Surprisingly yes. Winter temps of -32 to -34 C. I sometimes see some dieback on last years growth if it was particularly vigorous (10 + feet of shoot growth).
Rootstock is a seedling mulberry grown outside of Montreal.