I know I’ll probably have to wait until there is mature fruit on the tree in order to identify it, but thought I would try anyway.
It was supposed to be a nectarine but turned out to be a round white peach with white pulp. It has zero acid and tastes so perfumy and sweet, it’s almost nauseating.
It has very large pink flowers.
I will uploads pics when I have mature fruit later in the year.
It could be. I haven’t had any fruit for several years due to severe leaf curl but after spraying thoroughly this winter, I hope to have it under control enough to get some fruit.
I looked at pics of Babcock and I don’t remember mine as having so reddish skin, but it does look similar.
You aren’t likely to get any help for an accurate ID with only a photo of flowers, but, to me, nauseatingly sweet suggests it may be a newer sub-acid variety like White Lady. What does it matter what it is if you don’t like the taste of the fruit?
White Lady does have the showy larger flowers as shown in your photos, as I recall. Some folks love it… I don’t. Here, in NY state, peaches don’t get sweet enough to work as sub-acid fruit to my palate.
Anyway, if it’s great in smoothies and cobbler because it is sweet AND aromatic I doubt it’s one of the U.S. bred low acid whites… they tend to be nothing but sugar.
To identify a peach variety you need a list of characteristics:
flesh color: orange / red / white / yellow
type of flesh: clingstone, melting / freestone, melting / nonmelting / semiclingstone or semifreestone, melting
bloom time: ultra early / early / mid / late / very late
ripening date: days before or after a known variety (e.g., Elberta or Redhaven)
type of leaf gland: globose / none / reniform
type of bloom: double showy / nonshowy / showy
In my region, the spread of bloom time is far too narrow to put in these categories, they all bloom within about 3 days of each other.
Those of you farther south may experience a wider range as is the case with apples and probably other species- but 5 different recognizable categories? I’d be surprised if there are more than two. Apples are usually categorized as one of three- early, mid and late. Here they pretty much all overlap except an occasional very late bloomer, in my experience, but bloom time could certainly help identify a variety with apples. Not so much with peaches IME- that is in the northeast.
My earliest fruiting nect and peach varieties probably do tend to flower just a little earlier than others, but here it could only be divided by two, I think. Early and normal. Shade has more influence than variety.
Time of ripening is certainly very useful for identification of all fruit types. Some apples look almost identical and it’s the only way I can sort it out sometimes.