Canadian Pears Enie, Menie, Miney, Moe, Phileson, Sauvignac,

Today is September 25th one menie actually got ripe. There are lots of things to say bad about this pear in regards to disease resistance but it was the best tasting pear i ate today.

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Menie grows and flowers profusely. Fireblight loves this variety! Was going to remove most of these last year but the taste in September intrigued me enough to keep it another year.

No fireblight this year but have had heavy fruit production on these types of pears.

Miney and Menie are pretty close. I will look at tags and sort it all out soon. These pears are worthwhile for me. I enjoy the flavor.


These pears are a big hit in Kansas! Thanks for the tip you were growing one years ago. It took me down an interesting road!

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Good, I’m glad you like them :slight_smile: I have Menie and Minie and they are both very hardy and tasty. I had Bosc too, but it succumbed after the weather whiplash the winter after FIONA…plus 5 to plus 8 for a few days, then minus 25 to minus 28 for the next few…didn’t leaf in the spring. Patten is OK though, and a couple of Abbette something or orther seedlings…Fetel, maybe

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Im really surprised more people are not growing the Canadian pears! It is even stranger no-one has ever heard of them!

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Are scions of these for sale anywhere? If I request scion wood from GRIN for breeding they boilerplate ‘no’ email me with “germplasm is for research and breeding only” within a few minutes of whenever they’re next open.

It beats other government agencies which send me snail mail and demand a reply and/or money before the letter arrived at my house or face penalties, at least.

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I will try to provide some scions so they get out there for you and others. I overlooked doing that with these.

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