Canadian Strawberry

It says end of September for ripeness in mis Maine. Sucks I only have one to taste. Hopefully I don’t let it go too late.

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I won’t get to try the last one, it was stolen by something. Hard to say what took it but I have my suspicions.

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mines holding on.


keep us all in the loop!


I finally have a good crop of flowers coming on this apple. Hopefully I can eat enough of them to get a good opinion.


Thought I’d revive this thread to drop a note to those growing or interested in this apple. For years the origins of the apple were a mystery but recent DNA analysis has concluded that what fedco has been selling under the name “Canadian Strawberry” is in fact the apple “Washington Strawberry” (Washington county, New York 1849).


Thank you for sharing. I have one on antonovka. Very vigorous tree. Surprisingly so actually. Was hoping it would be the same as late strawberry as some people had suspected. Guess it’s a different strawberry instead.

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Finally (after ten years) - blossoms!! 27 of them. Carefully watched ten apples grow. 10/6 two dropped so picked other 8. Background color nice pink/yellow, beautiful smooth medium-large fruit. Nice sweet with wonderful flavor, nice medium juice and tender texture. Very nice apple! Good timing between late summer apples (Beacon, Dudley, Goodland) and late storage (Haralson, Black Oxford). Goes to top tier of delicious apples for us, with Goodland, Discovery, Seek-no-Further. We enjoyed eating the apples through October. Last one 10/27 was still flavorful but on the edge of mealy, possibly one of the first drops. Likely should pick these a as soon as they appear ripe and don’t wait for them to drop. My storage is root cellar which is still in the 50’s in October so not the best. But I’m not worry about storing these apples - they’re too good fresh eating. Sue
