I’ve been growing Reliance and Contender peach trees now for about 5 years in Maine zone 5A and have had pretty good success with one exception…I’ve had problems with canker developing on the trunks either near where the tree was grafted or where the trunk got nicked by mowing, etc. The canker incidence is about 80% Reliance and 20% Contender. The Contender seems to fight through it and heal better. Unfortunately when I first started out I did not pay a lot of attention to small scrapes or nicks on the trees…whether they were damaged before I got them or by mowing, etc…I have figured out that it is imperative to be super careful around the peach trees…they are not forgiving like apple trees. Any small defect on the trunk seems to develop into canker more often than not…especially on the Reliance.
I will be taking numerous trees out and replacing them next spring. I’ve decided that I will replace any Reliance that I take out with Red Haven as I have 2 of them that I am pleased with so far and I like their fruit much better. I am keeping a few of the trees with canker that seem to be holding their own. I am hoping that these 5 year old trees will produce next spring and I would like to get some peaches off from them while they are healthy enough. My peach orchard is planted in what was a pretty heavily wooded area…there were assorted trees there which included a locust grove as well as a few cherry trees which I know can harbor canker in the soil. Hopefully, I will beat this condition that seems to be plaguing my peach trees…I think getting rid of the Reliance trees as they die off will help…fingers crossed. Thoughts?