Canning jar opener (for lid, not for band)?

Does anybody know if such thing exists? I mean the opener that can safely pop up lid after band is removed. My DH constantly cuts his thumbs while opening the lid. Using knife is possible, but I am afraid to chip the glass, and knowing my husband, he will not pay attention to it and glass could get into the food.

I leverage up the lid with the band and the top jar thread, it isn’t strong enough to chip the glass.


I didn’t see it online, I will look more!

Galinas, any thrift store should have a selection!

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They’re also remarkably easy to find in antique stores, sometimes with fun handles. We also called them “the church key.”

Manual can openers usually had a side that would pop them off, too.


These look like what I use, like an oversized plastic beer lid opener. Not being metal, they won’t chip the glass

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I use a tool called a JarKey or JarPop. I got it as a stocking stuffer years ago. It opens lots of different kinds of jars, but works especially well with my canning lids. I think amazon probably has them.

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Like @BrambleberryMeadow Holly I always referred to them as a Church Key. Our grocery store always has them in stock in the kitchen tools isle. We have one with a magnet that hangs on the side of the fridge.

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i just use a butter knife and in my 47 yrs. i haven’t chipped a jar yet. :wink:

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Church key is great but if you don’t have one use a spoon. Turn the spoon upside down and use a side near the tip of the spoon and slide it along the threads til it meets the lid and turn slightly. Works easily every time. Easier than a knife.


My swiss army knife I won at a horticultural trade show has a screw driver/bottle opener combo blade. Works great to open lids on canning jars!

We also have a manual can opener that has a bottle opener key on the handle that my wife will use.

I suppose the old metal bottle openers are ancient history now that beer bottles mostly have twist off caps (except for the imports). Try finding them at an estate sale?

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+1 each for the edge of the band and the side of a spoon, I use them all the time and that’s never been the reason I broke a jar.

Spartan, most beers do not have twist offs! Only “domestic” American “lagers” do… that may be most bottles, but most beers are proper beer with a proper crown finish!


I have one of these, on the bottom of the round end of the handle (you can’t see it in the pic) there is a lip for opening canning jar lids. It opens almost anything, it’s got several types of openers on it. My mother likes to buy me kitchen gadgets, and I kind of laughed at this one, until I started using it :slight_smile:


I think it is a winner! Thanks!