Carmine Jewell cherries at Sunrise in Kansas

I went out to document the growth of my carmine Jewell cherries this morning at sunrise and noticed they were the second most beautiful thing to photograph. At 7’ tall the carmine Jewell’s are larger than I thought they would get. I did not expect them to send out runners or to grow so prolifically in less than ideal conditions. Pictures cannot capture the cherry orchards beauty though this will give you a glimpse

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Nice pictures! How old are they? I planted one last spring, then got 10 more really cheap last fall and planted those in a 8’ x 4’ raised bed. I now realize that spacing is way too tight and will transplant most of those this winter. They are all between 6" and 12" tall. Any recommendation on when exactly to transplant?

we would have also accepted a picture of pie


Beautiful pictures. Not too many nice days left this year, enjoy while you can.

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I would transplant in the spring. I’m not sure how old these are now to be honest. I think they are 4-5 yes old.