Carmine Jewell Cherry Yields increasing with age

That appears to be a sour cherry tree you have there. Friends, family etc. I will need all hands on deck to get the harvest picked! To bad Chicago is a ways away!

Thanks Clark, could it be a CJ for it is only3 feet away from a CJ and CJ is only sour cherry I grow.
BTW, you are lucky Chicago is too far away, otherwise you might see "helpful " hands in your yard everyday😜


That definitely looks like a CJ sucker to me if it is that close. I have suckers on my CJ and Juliet plants pop up anywhere from a few inches to several feet away.

With only a few of each type of bushes, my sample size is too small to say for sure, but it seems to me the 2 growing on mounded soil produce more suckers than those just in a flat planting. If that is true, I expect it is just the roots getting closer to the surface when they travel out of the mound.


Yes its a carmine jewell sucker! Looks like they like it there! @IL847 you will be tired of picking long before you run out of cherries with carmine jewell! Those suckers are a good indication its branching out soon!


So it begins …


Lots of cherry pies!!!


Yes gallons and gallons coming in now and 10x as much still ripening! 5 gallons of cherries is a good start for now! My mom will make these into pies, preserves, and jelly. We are not ready to juice cherries just yet. The smaller later cherries will be used for juice.


I can’t believe the bushes can withstand all that weight. Most of my cherries fell off but maybe still enough for a pie or two.


With that really heavy fruit set you have this year Clark I’m anxious to see just how many gals/lbs you end up harvesting! On my few short bushes I had a heavy bloom but a light fruit set this year, but the bushes are really putting on growth. I usually begin to sample too early and try to pick at very dark color, but a few days ago found a branch in back I had missed with a few dozen really large, nearly black cherries that were the best I’ve had yet. The Romance Cherry Series has been great for tart Cherries, the word of mouth has brought attention and more backyard growers.


@Poorwolf i agree they are great cherries! @IowaJer gets some really heavy crops at his location because they get a little more water than Kansas, run a little cooler in the summer, but otherwise have similar growing conditions. My location is a very tough environment and its hard to establish new plants here. The heavy bloom and light fruit set your experiencing is just the age of the bush. When they are ready every bloom will be a cherry! My location has very heavy set so i cannot imagine more!


My CJ is turning the color


Those are starting to look good !

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I think mine is getting the chop… It’s not bad, it’s just no sweet cherry (size/flavor). Rot has been horrific here on them. Probably as bad as sweet cherries. Maybe i’ll graft a branch to save it in case down the road i change my mind…although doesn’t it grow pretty true to seed? i could just save seed. I spray nothing.


It’s been so wet this year. That’s disappointing. My evans cherries are getting black spots all over them and the leaves have fuzz growing on them. No good.

Do you grow sweet cherries?


It was like that with my Black Gold. Myclobutanil did not stop it. Once I have Indar, the issue solved. 2-3 spray even through wettest summer and soaking wet spring this year, don’t see much brown rot any more.

Brown rot on fruit is such a disgusting sight to see. It’ll stay if you don’t spray.


I harvested most of mine today. I did harvest some last week. But now they are all dark red and very uniform in color. The cherries seem bigger each year too.


One man’s meat! I love their flavor, much better to me than any sweet cherry. I’m not big on fresh eating, and sweets are about only good for that. They for the most part taste terrible cooked, and yellow ones turn a dung brown that is so not attractive. I dry my sweets to make them actually sweet.
That mold looks nasty, looks like my grapes! I use lime-sulfur and it appears to kill it on my grapes. But yeah if that happened to me, I probably would cull them too. So far I have not seen that on any cherries. I do spray mine for brown rot as I need to spray my pluots, plums, nectarines and peaches. So yeah the cherries are sprayed too!


That’s brown rot. Don’t cut your tree get in on the next indar buy. That will keep that rot from happening. It started on mine too this year with the sweet cherries but I did save some when I finally used the indar. It only takes 1/4 teaspoon of indar per gallon to get rid of fungus so you don’t need a lot of it. One half pint goes a long ways.


ive got some rot going on this year Also. first year ever… group buy indar?

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Have problems on my peaches this year with brown rot.