I have what I believe to be Cedar Apple rust on all of my Cortland, a HoneyCrisp and a JonaMac. I planted these earlier in the year before I knew any better. Since then I have planted Liberty, Enterpise, Pristene and Wiliams Pride for varieites with better disease resistance. Earlier when I planted the Cortland and other susceptible variaties I also planted, Golden Delicious, Red delicious, Tolman Sweet, Gravenstein, and McIntosh. But So far I have only seen the rust on the Cortland and HoneyCrisp. I also had one Cortland shrivel and die. I also made the mistake of getting the Cortland, Honeycrisp, RD, GD, Jonamac and a few of the liberty from a big box store and obviously now know better.
Is the anything I can do for the rust this season, or do I need to wait until next dormant season and start a spray schedule? Or should I replace them all together? I did also notice on an adjoining property lots of cedar apple rust in the Red Cedars.
Varieties planted:
Cortland (6)
HoneyCrisp (4)
Golden Delicious (1)
Red Delicious (1)
JonaMac (2)
McIntosh (1)
Gravenstein (1)
williams Ride (1)
Tolman Sweet (2)
Enterprise (2)
Liberty (4)
Pristine (2)
Thanks for the help.
Yep that is CAR. One spray of myclobutanil post-bloom usually does it in. Next year…
For those reading this and are farther North, you can still spray for it. In SE WI our apples are still not in full bloom. Maybe another week yet with all the cold we are getting.
I did see a few eastern redcedars yesterday covered in the bright orange fruiting mass from the fungus that causes cedar apple rust. I must say it is a pretty orange but glad those I found are not near my fruit trees.
For years I just sprayed Captan but that doesn’t work to prevent cedar apple rust although great on apple scab. Now I mix Captan and myclo together in spring and apply both when the rust season starts.
Thanks. I will make sure to spray with Immunox next year. I’m guessing end of April to early may? Green tip and again after petal fall? I also plan on doing a dormant oil late winter with a copper fungicide. Hopefully these infected trees make it until then. I’m really new at this and still learning.
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Look for those orange galls. They come out when it rains. That’s when to spray - often more than once if the galls reappear.
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Is this cedar apple rust? (Zone 6b Marblehead Massachusetts). Is it too late to treat? I had sprayed fungicides three times in spring. And dormant oil in winter. I used copper, serenade, Bonide. I have been cutting off leaves with orange on them and throwing away. But last year, I felt like I removed 75% of the total leaves.
Yes. You probably need myclobutanil, I don’t think copper, serenade, or Bonide help a lot. It might still be OK there but someone in your area will know better. It is definitely too late here.
I am in zone 6 a. I just sprayed my first myclobutanil (Immunox) last week (at petal fall) and will spray the second one in the next few days.
@Johnthecook is in Cape Cod zone 7, his apples bloomed at least a week behind me. I don’t know if John sprays myclo. I think it is the right time, not too late for here.
Yes I do and going to spray Sunday if it’s dry.