Characteristics of Pawpaw plants and fruit

The optimum germination temperatures between 84 and nearly 90 degrees Fahrenheit are higher than I’ve been using. Thank you @Richard for that information. I’ve had approximately 50% germination success using lower temperatures, and otherwise following the procedures outlined in the above link.

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It took awhile, but I tracked the propagation reference in the USDA web page down to this reference manual:
Title: Seeds of Woody Plants in North America
Author: Young, James A.; Young, Cheryl G.
Pages: 407
ISBN: 9780931146213


I came across this 2008 GDD data from KSU. Perhaps you’ve seen it before?

Cultivars in retail circulation Estimated peak flowering week at KSU sites GDD at KSU sites Peak harvest week at KSU sites
PA-Golden 16 2499 36
Wabash 16 2572 36
Rappahannock 16 2586 36
NC-1 16 2620 37
Overleese 16 2637 37
Taytwo 16 2648 37
Taylor 16 2676 37
Shenandoah 16 2697 37
Susquehanna 16 2703 37
Potomac 16 2720 37
Mitchell 16 2736 37
Sunflower 16 2737 37
Wells 15 2751 37
8-20 15 2753 37

Thanks.At about $50 a copy,maybe I’ll check if a library has one,first.

Thanks! I’ve at least seen a similar dataset, but more complete info on different cultivars would be amazing. With so much emphasis on hardiness zones, there’s not a lot of info on where pawpaws will actually ripen (especially least not on retail sites!). So having a more complete dataset would be very helpful for choosing regionally appropriate varieties.

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I don’t have anything to contribute, really, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the information you’ve linked on pawpaws. I’m just getting in to them now (currently have about 24 seeds germinating, to be planted in the coming weeks) and I’ve been very interested in characteristics of cultivars and academic research on the pawpaw in general and I’ve come across almost none of what you’ve linked here in my own research. Please keep us posted on what you come across/learn, I’ll be sure to read it.


Which post in this thread are you referring to?

I also told you that it was a partial list and for details you’d have to wait for this publication:
Frost, R. 2022 “Diversity of Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) cultivars in USDA repositories and selected retail nurseries c. 2022”.

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What is the link to his website?

Data needed.

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You’ll have to wait for this publication:
Frost, R. 2022 “Diversity of Pawpaw (Asimina triloba ) cultivars in USDA repositories and selected retail nurseries c. 2022”.


Asimina triloba contains 8 pairs of chromosomes (2n = 2x = 16). By convention, the chromosome containing the sex determining gene is labeled #1. The markers used in tests to date (RAPD, SSR, AFLP) are scattered among the chromosomes.

Good night!

@Bradybb, @disc4tw , @haldog , @WildApple23
In today’s mail :slightly_smiling_face:


FYI: Data has been resurrected and reprogrammed by “Q”.

I have already seen & saved this information.

Hi There
If you have not seen admins’ reminder on another pawpaw thread, we would like to ask that all forum members be civil to one another, please.

Personal attacks, snide remarks, public humiliation, etc. will not be tolerated.

Repeated offenders will be suspended.


I had already been notified by the Administrator.
And the thread had been cleaned up a couple of weeks ago.
However, I just decided to go ahead & purge my comments from this thread anyway.

Helping others on the forum with your knowledge is appreciated.

The forum thrives because people are here to seek help, get help,exchange knowledge, ideas, etc. Common courtesy is required.

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I fathom that.
Please fathom that all humans are not neurologically similar.
It’s often difficult for even an altruistic asperger to be socially symbiotic, as passive-aggressive OCD behaviors are often very easily triggered.
And some individuals are far less than empathetic & intentionally seek opportunities trigger such aspergers out of fun or malicious intent.
It seems to be the nature & character of all such groups no matter how hard moderators attempt to make them safe spaces.

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