Che Experiment has begun!

Hello all,

I got a day off today and did about 25 Bark grafts that included Che on mulberry, Osage Orange on mulberry, Osage orange as an interstem for Che then Bark grafted on mulberry. In a month or so I will report the final results.


I also did Bark grafted Pakistani, Geraldi, Kokuso, and Short internodes Morus Alba on wild mulberries.


You mean it has just begun :grin:





I hope you didn’t take it the wrong way. I’m excited!

Will be interesting to see how it goes… but a month…won’t be long enough for a ‘final report’. Initial report, maybe… but at least 1, 2, 3 years may be necessary to render even an interim, much less, final report.

I’ve got grafts of apple on callery pear that are going on 10 years old now - I know they’ll fail at some point, and it’s a constant battle keeping shoots rubbed/pruned off the callery understock.
Have seen grafts of honeylocust on black locust that leafed out and grew vigorously in the first year… but then declined and died in subsequent seasons.


Yeah I know. BTW, you did some strong work on grafting this year. I used water proof IV tegaderm to ensure solid sealed so the scions won’t dry out. So the results should be very solid.


Hey @tonyOmahaz5, you’re in a great climate for Che (Zhe)!. Did you graft named cultivars, or seedlings, or?


I got some Seedless Che that Strudeldog sent to me and I also bought a male and a female from Hidden Spring Nursery. I used all of them in this experiment.


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Neat experimant, Tony!

In my experience, the Seedless Che cultivar produces the equivalent of golf-ball size raspberries. However, it did not take kindly to the strong, hot, dry (single digit humidity) winds that visited my former location. I wish you success!

Clark and Jason,

Have you guys start grafting your Che and Osage Orange yet? I got a few more 3 to 4 inches caliber wild mulberries that I am going to Bark graft some Celeste fig scions on this evening after work to see if they are compatible also.


I had never heard of Che, so I had to look it up. It is always nice to learn something new before lunch. Thanks! Good luck with your grafts!

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Go Tony!

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Tony it has not quit raining here long enough to graft. I’m not complaining when it comes rain in Kansas. That spring drought prior to this really had me worried. Flash flooding was occurring last night and it’s going to rain for the next week but again it’s ok with me because I love rain!

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I grafted the Che project just in time. We got rain out the last 2 days and more on the way. The lawn grows like weeds. I mowed twice already.


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So it will work! What about the other direction? Can callery work as an interstem to other pears? Has anyone tried?


Callery will work as an interstem on regular pears. We have done it many times. I have a callery that induces early fruiting. It is compatible with nothing but my small yellow pear i have found.