
Is there anywhere in OK to buy sour pie cherries?
We had a huge tree in Col. and used to freeze cherries!
We’ve tried to find them here but had no luck.
thank you.

I don’t know anything about Oklahoma, but I’m sure OK. supermarkets carry Sara Lee cherry pies. I think all of them use Montmorency cherries and they are awesome. The ingredients will clearly state Montmorency cherries if it’s the right one. I hate to admit that as a do-it-yourselfer, and a homemade one will always be better, but still, they are pretty darn good. Quality Mont. cherry filling, not that 1/10th cherry and 9/10ths sugar-syrup stuff.

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I have 1 sweet ( compact Stella ) and 1 sour ( Montmorency ) cherry. They are only 2 years old, but both are considered self fertile. In your opinion, is this sufficient, or do I need to add other cherry trees to have good pollination?

IMO that’s sufficient

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Thanks for the input.

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they self pollinate but fruit heavier with another nearby. sweet and sour cherries don’t cross pollinate. depends how much cherries you want.

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Good to know, thanks. Then I will need to made a short list of sweet and sour trees to possibly choose from.

i highly recommend the romance series cherries from Canada. they are supposedly much better tasting than the Monts. fruit sooner and grow to a shrub instead of a tree. will cross pollinate with your Mont. got mine at HoneyberryUSA.

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I will check them out.

I find a overly ripe montmorency second only to a fully ripe bing here. Very much looking forward to the UoS cherries however! Also montmorency is the cherry flavour used in making cherry bump for me so i love it.


i have mont and 4 romance series but haven’t got any fruit yet. basing my comments on others on here.