You can start your thread here you don’t need to put it in the Insect and disease identification thread. I actually prefer that separate threads are started because it makes it easier to find specific problems for people answering questions and those using the search function of the forums.
It could be cherry leaf spot. I think it probably is not. The problem is we are late in the year and leaves tend to get beat up when they are this old. The individual spots tend to merge and become masses. So many diseases are less distinctive and harder to identify. It’s usually easier to identify diseases earlier in the season.
I get a fair amount of cherry leaf spot. It’s much more of problem on tart cherries. I find the purple coloration is often not distinctive… you get more of a brown with purple tint depending on when you’re looking at the leaf, it’s condition,etc. Usually the spots are smaller and have more distinct borders than in your pic. They are usually more numerous too. Here is a link with pics. Cherry Leaf Spot and Fire blight? - #2 by mroot
But I am in a different climate (Illinois zone 6) so maybe it looks a bit different in California- perhaps @Stan or @Vohd could comment on what they think the cause is.