I got these from Mossy Oak native nursery . Nice size for 1 seasons growth .
Are those tissue culture? (There doesn’t seem to be enough soil that you could bury a chestnut in it for the purposes of germination??)
I have three seedlings myself and a few native chestnut seeds … from Letcher and from Jackson Counties in Kentucky. Not likely to be contaminated by non-native chestnuts.
But, not sure I’ll be alive when they bear for the first time!
No they are seed grown . Mixed genetics and blight resistant .
If you have pure Castanea dentata, they can flower within 5 years if they get enough light, heat, water and nutrition.
That’s good to hear. But I’ve seen some bigger than my arm and no nuts on them.
At least one on private property in Berea KY I am familiar that has nuts. And a couple in Sand Gap. (Not too far from England’s). And I bought some seedlings from a Corbin KY nursery…the source tree in Letcher Co. Kentucky.
There is a chestnut federation
but I’ve not participated.
They asked me last year about trees I might be familiar.
That’s true of some Chinese trees also. I’ve had Chinese trees that had not produced nuts at 14 years. But on the average Chinese trees will produce nuts at 4-7 years. Americans on the average will produce nuts 3-5 years later than Chinese, but individual American trees vary widely and have been known to flower as young as 3 or 4 years especially when growing in full sun in areas with long growing seasons.