Does anyone know what kind of fruit Citation produces? Anyone ever grown out a sprout?
There’s one growing from the base of my new nect, and my thought originally was that it was from the graft and I could use it for budding. But now I suspect it’s actually from the rootstock and I started to wonder, what if …
Well, I have a rootstock that I allowed to grow into a tree. The (peach) graft is either dead or dwarfed. I hadn’t done anything with the tree, mainly because I didn’t have time to do anything with it. The leaves are red and from what I just read about Citation, the leaves are red on that rootstock as well, so I’m suspecting the root stock is Citation. It fruited last year. They were small red peach like fruits. I can’t remember if I ate any… I suspect that I didn’t because I would have remembered if they were unpalatable or if they were something to write home to mom about. I have no memory of them. Anyway, I will pay better attention to that tree this year and as long as we don’t get a late frost, I should get fruit from them again. Hoping to come back here and report for you @ltilton . Of course, this post is 4 years old, so you may already have your answer, if you do, please come back and report. Thank you.
I just remembered that I have the Gurney’s root stock chart available and that tree came from Gurney’s. I looked it up and the rootstock should be Redleaf Peach. Upon further research I found this thread:
This is exactly what the leaves and fruit on the tree that I have look like. There wasn’t consensus on what the OP of the linked thread had growing, but I think it’s Redleaf and not Citation.
In past years, my red leaf peach tree from root stock was covered with innumerable small peaches, with just a thin layer of flesh over a pit. This year, late frost decimated my crop of peaches, and this tree was left with only a few dozen fruit on it. The fruit grew significantly larger, still a little smaller than the average apricot, but were very tasty little white flesh peaches - not quite as sweet as a normal peach variety