Citation rootstock in bloom

My Citation rootstock, a peach x plum hybrid, will start flowering this week. Since the pistils are sterile, I will try to save the pollen and see if I could cross pollinate with a cherry.

This is a Floyd Zaiger creation.



I will also use Citation’s pollen to pollinate my Flavor Top Nectarine.

Cool flowers. The look like mostly peach, since they are borne singly. Post again in a couple days when they are all blooming.

I have Redhaven as my sole fruiting peach (I just planted 3 more peach varieties) and it totally disappoints with its small non-showy flowers.

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I will.

Here they are again. Even thought the pistils are deformed, I pollinated them with Santa Rosa plum pollen. Who knows? I might be the lucky gardener who will get fruit from this plant.

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What’s the latest scoop on this? Were you able to cross it with a cherry?


i currently have a citation about to open flowers
i have some plums pluots pluerry all flowering… should i try and pollinate it?