Citrus for 2023

Citrus for this year is below average, mainly due a spike this spring while blooming (high eighties) Mandarin bloom was mostly lost. All others were average, but still not complaining.


Some of mine are loaded except for Kishu and Lisbon Lemon which I moved to the ground this year. My Lisbon Lemon over produced last year, this year it has nothing.

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my potted citrus on the deck arent looking too good due to all the rain. hopefully they bounce back when i bring them indoors at the end of the month.

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I have 30 NZL fruits on 3 trees and 2 fists full of Meiwa kumquats across 4 trees. My Fukushu kumquat are in their third major bloom in which they dropped every fruit in their first 2 blooming’s.


My Meiwa kumquat has lots of fruit, I think the big rain this year helps.


We call these everbearing oranges :slight_smile: Probably from a seed more than 20 years ago, well before we moved in. It’s season is summer/fall and look like Valencia oranges, so they need 17-18 months on the tree to ripen but can hang on for another 8-9 months without drying out. Basically, we can go out any day of the year and pick a few.


my son had one like that in his backyard in Yuma, AZ. said it had fruit all year if watered. water was expensive so he stopped watering, and they shriveled up.


Oh no, he should pick them in. My brother has the same problem, he has one acre but only water once a week.

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ah too bad. The water is getting expensive here too (despite the rains we had this year) but luckily we have a more moderate climate than Yuma. Interestingly, even if we want to we can’t water this tree effectively as the feeder roots are paved over with concrete.


If you leave the fruit on the tree, does it interfere with the following year fruit production.

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It is biennial in terms of production, regardless if I leave the fruits at the late stage or not. I read that if I thinned the fruits early then it will be more balanced across the years. But I achieve the same result with picking fruits over a long period of time.


My orange trees have fruit every year, not biennial, but one lemon tree is, not sure it’s my fault or what else.

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do they have the same amount of fruits? Mine fruits every year but the quantity is very much different. Thats true for many trees - avocados, citrus, sapote, etc

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If your trees looses all bloom or have very little bloom you could try these products in early spring. I use these chemicals in early spring before bloom.
General Hydroponics bloom.
I use these on just about anything. Humboldt, flower stacker is also very good.
A tspoon per gl, a pint last a long time.