Citrus greenhouse collections in cold areas of the US

Reaching out to other citrus hobbyists… specifically those who have/keep greenhouse collections in cold areas of the US. I’m in northern Colorado…


This place is loaded with citrus growers, most in southern tier states. I have a few citrus trees in my yard. I was just out looking at them. They are 2 years old and just hit 2 feet tall grown from seed. They are intended as rootstocks to eventually graft with something more edible.

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Dear Fusion_power. I appreciate you reaching out. I know and have contact with lots of citrus fanciers & commercial growers, in warmer areas where they do well with “in ground” plantings. I was mostly curious about corresponding with folks that live in colder areas where in ground growing is not an option and their collection(s) are greenhouse kept. I’m warm zone 4, cold zone 5.

It is my dream to build a greenhouse in the snow here in Michigan.
Would love to grow tropical fruit

Yes… I know about that gentleman.