Cocktail Hour Garden Tour

Yes, the kids call that statue “dad’s girlfriend”. I usually end up spraying them down with a hose after those comments so it’s all good fun.

I ended up getting those three pots and one base from an inn that closed down. Took me 3 more years to find two more matching bases, but it was worth the hunt. They add some height and focal points to the garden. Now if I could just master container plantings I’d be all set.

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I think I’m guilty of that too. I supposed that I would just jam 3-5 varieties into 1 pot, 1-2 for focal point, soil covering and trailing types but I hardly follow this order. Most of my “pedestal” display are just simply whatever I found interesting on the reduced shelf from Big Box…

I’m on the hunt for some pedestal too!


I’m baffled. Why does everything look so good. Aren’t there any bugs or diseases in RI? I have never been able to keep a garden looking that beautiful.
PS I just joined you with a beer.