Cold hardy pomegranate

Update on my R26 (Afganski). It never got much bigger than a billiard ball, or maybe a tennis ball, so I left it on the bush as long as possible. It started snowing today, so I figured I should go ahead and pick it. It was tiny, but good! Tasted similar to a store-bought pomegranate, but more intense. It was more sweet than tart. Since this was it’s first year to flower/fruit (and it dropped most of its flowers/fruitlets this year), I’m hopeful that I’ll get more/bigger fruit next year. Fingers crossed!

FYI: This was planted in zone 7a, outside Philly, next to my garage, as a 12" twig in a 4" pot in 2021. So, I’m super pleased that I got even this tiny fruit! I wasn’t necessarily expecting anything at all, and just planted it for fun.