Comfrey flower stem growing sideways

Hi! Does anyone know why my comfrey flower stem would grow sideways, almost crawling on the soil? The leaves without flower stem seem to be growing fine and upwards as expected. Should I prop the flower stem upwards with a stick, or let it be to correct itself?

Has this grown sideways from the beginning? Seems like it would resume upright growth. Check the base of the stem for slug or other damage.

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The leaf orientation indicates it had been growing upright, but then fell over. It will be completely fine. You can trim it back if it bothers you.

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Quite a few of my young ones lay down on the job. trim or stake it if you like. Next year it’ll likely be sturdier. By the following year, you’re wasting your time if you want to get rid of it.
The one called “russian” (here in the US, anyway) seems to be rather vigorous out of the gate here in 6B/7A, especially in full sun. I have three varieties now, but I’m no longer sure who is who. The alleged sterile ones seem to stay smaller. My first Russian rivals my first rhubarb for annual growth, and that’s after I moved the part still in the pot elsewhere. I am not sure they won’t be bigger than the house in a couple years.

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That’s the first flower stem after I planted the crown cutting this year. I’ll check for slug /damage this weekend