What is your confession for things you didn’t plan for this year or snuck in? Things like this past weekend where I asked my husband to stop at home depot so I could look and see what sort of berries they had in. I came out with a multi-grafted plum tree that I could not resist. He did not say a word, only gave me this look:
In my defense I really was looking at the berry bushes but then I saw the trees behind and they didn’t have any the last time I was there! So I go have a peek and the first one I look at had my favorite plum (Santa Rosa) along with a couple other varieties.
Well, then I keep looking at what varieties are on these and trees and find some with more than the “3 in 1” as they were tagged.
So of course I find the one with the most varieties and best looking growth!
The tree ended up being $40 with five fifferent varieties! That is less than $10 per tree! Come on…
So I had to move a small fig to put this plum in it’s spot and cut it way back cause there were next to no roots. Im excited for fruit in a few years!
I just grabbed over 10 more blueberry plants i feel it… raspberries are now 7-8$ a tiny pop and they don’t even look good so i just went ahead and ordered Crimson beauty out of curiosity cause why are they so expensive in store? What’s going on with the commercial raspberry business?..
So each blueberry was 15-30$… that’s just 4 pints of blueberry cost per plant and who knows how much they’ll cost later… plus it’s hard to find a good tasting batch in store. I know i can’t have them all year but maybe i can freeze dry the ones i don’t eat fresh?..
I have over 20 blueberry plants now…
Raspberries… i have so many as well. Caroline and mislabeled polka seem to be the most vigorous ones. Nothing else is popping up as many as they are yet. I love knowing that someone didn’t scratched their butthole before touching my food and midnight raspberry eating in the summer. Vampire’s gotta vampire sometimes. The things I’ve seen in grocery stores man…
Strawberries too. Thinking of putting up a removable cover over the berry patch to extend the season since they keep producing well into November for me. Tastes not as great but great for jam making during those times.
If you want a Caroline or a polka, stop by sometime soon? I just bought a hori hori style knife too to cut things you’ve convinced me bring some eggs too please i can’t raise chickens yet until i get all the plants in line
I found about 15 suckers growing from my in-laws Wild Plum. I thought I can’t let these go to waste…so I traded for 7-8 different plum/pluot scions, bought a few pluot and peach scions to graft to them. Our neighbor has a Bartlett pear tree that we got some pears from this year. My wife and girls liked them, so I got 3 pear rootstocks, bought Warren and Moonglow scions, and took some cuttings from the neighbors tree, to grow some pears. Then I figured why not add a few more apple trees. So I bought some scions and some rootstock. Then I figured while I was at it, might as well buy a couple of extra Apple rootstocks to start a stool bed.
I have full control of all my emotions, so I would never… But, euhm, I have this “friend” who has 30 apple trees. So “he” purchased 39 new varieties to graft. Not too bad, but he has bought more than 1 scion of some of them. And, realistically, he could get 2-3 grafts out of one scion wood, so he has 170 grafts to make, on 30 apple trees. “Him” not accidentally stabbing himself to death during the grafting process would be a win this year.
Oh man, I have a friend like that too! They said they weren’t going to buy any seeds this year, but I saw them get a few packages of seeds… some were even things they had gotten last year and forgot!!
I can say I didn’t plan to end up with cuttings of so many fig varieties…but trades make the situation so tempting. “You have a fig I don’t? Sure I’ll trade for that!” How many does one man really need? I’m not sure, but I can’t shake the feeling it’s at least a couple more lol. Did the same with a few other fruits too like grapes. Had a wishlist of a few varieties, started trading, buying etc, now I have a bunch of varieties I’ve never heard of and the wishlist is still almost as big as it was before cause things get added as we go.
I justify all this though by saying I need to see what varieties perform best in my area. Better find that out sooner than later so I can plant more of whichever varieties are winners.
Nice, I’d like to try some of them. But all my plums got black knot and were cut down. Anyone planting trees close to the road be careful of salt in the winter if your city outs down salt. I lost a peach tree that way, but it took over a decade.
Yes, I’ve kinda lost count of the trees too. I’ve got somewhere in the mid 40s for trees. No more fruit bushes other than a few blueberries. Everything is trees. If I had some acreage, I’d probably have hundreds of trees. I’d also expand into nuts. A guy I talked to yesterday had all types of walnuts, hickory, pecans etc. Luckily the deer here are all over and clean up any dropped fruit. I think that guy had 100+ acres. He has cattle, chickens and produces honey as well.
I’m trying all the cold hardy figs in-ground this year. Will give them the best shot I can. Lotto is not cooperating and not much hope for buying flat land and a greenhouse for fig trees. That is my dream. A big greenhouse with 6 - 8 fig trees and a warm weather persimmon or two.