First year growing potatoes in 3 separate 20G felt bags. Kenebec, Yukon gem, Molly magic were the 3 varieties. Waited until the foliage started to die and wilt and then let the soil dry out and harvested yesterday. Not a great harvest. Could have been a lack of water during a hot stretch since all varieties seemed to wilt up about the same time. Maybe fertilizer, soil, ph could also be factors…Anyways here’s the harvest—maybe 10lbs total
Our project with the girls was planting fingerling seed potatoes in a giant pot. Did well with 8 pounds harvested. And the girls devoured them. Of course they take the same pride in the Hogs were just got back from the abattoir as well. They murdered the pork chops last night.
Harvesting was fun for the kids. Dumping them out and letting them dig through the dirt on a potato hunt was cool.
I wanted to try this but forgot this year. I’m doing carrots next year in a 50 gallon tote in pure pine bark.
nice harvest. In the past I have grown potatoes exclusively in grow bags, in my climate (8B PNW) I typically plant them in April and harvest in July for early varieties, IME key is to supply them sufficient nitrogen for the first month after the plants are 8" tall, and couple of table spoons of langebinite towards month 2. I also grow them in 5, 8 and 10g bags and harvest 4-10 lbs per bag.
I use 8 gallon ez stor plastic buckets for carrots, planted in mix of compost, potting soil and vermiculite harvest 15-20 carrots per bucket which is just shy of 2 sqft space.