Continuing pruning,repotting, uppotting and downpotting

I am almost done with citrus, 2 more to go weather permitting,just finished 3. Will start with figs next, one done, 5 more. Shaping and topwork will be more time consuming, condensing will be a priority.

Now these tree’s look like this.

These Italian containers with the large handles are so much easier to handle, need 6 more. Hope they hold up.

Last year down potted fig is growing again in the shop.


I haven’t ever repotted fig trees once they’ve reached about the size I want them. Anything that roots easily from cuttings is not likely to suffer from pot restriction beyond controlling size- at least based on my method, which involves letting roots grow out of pots during the growing season then ripping those roots pretty badly when lifting out of the soil for storage in my well-house (where the soil withing the growbags keep evereything wet enough through winter). I certainly don’t need any more fresh figs than what I’m harvesting now from my two trees- unless I decide to start drying them. Or on years I don’t manage to adequately control yellow jackets and ants, usually because of excessive rain and cracking. I should probably build a rain shelter on those years.