Cool way to keep bees and make honey

Bees Cool !!!


Wow $670

Wow, I don’t know anything about beekeeping, but this looks so cool. Yes, expensive, but I wonder if the reduced labor costs would eventually gain you back your investment relatively quickly.

The bees will go nuts in a bad way in the fall over open honey.

[quote=“Auburn, post:2, topic:1468, full:true”]
Wow $670
[/quote] I wasn’t aware of the price. Wow doesn’t begin to cover $670!
There are ways to harvest honey that doesn’t stir up the bees and won’t get you a blizzard of bees the way loose honey will. Just takes a little planning and a day’s notice. Draining off 6 frames of honey that way in a yard of 24 colonies would be the definition of a Biblical disaster.