Costco Trees

$40 for a 2 gal pot? I need to charge more when I sell my extras on facebook! Although, I have to admit those look a little bigger.

My better half just texted me. He is at Costco in Dedham, MA now. No fruit trees :confounded:


Just ordered 6 knockout roses from They are on sale now. We’ll see what we get. Never been able to take care of roses. This is my final attempt on it. Roses and rhubarb… two things I don’t know how to grow.

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For some reason the name struck me as funny. I assume the “Free” means the pit comes out, but I picture somebody carrying one of those trees past the receipt inspector at the exit without stopping :slight_smile:


I carried it out in April so it was not free (wrong month) :rofl:

My neighbor across from the street is no gardener. His KO roses have survived for 5 years now.

You have a much better chance as you know how to garden.

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Our Costco had fruit trees, for a few days. They sold amazingly fast. I was there for shelves three times, two or three days apart, and by the third time all were gone. I think this was a week. Then they had large magnolia, those were probably gone fast, too.

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So I received my knock out roses from Costco today. Not too impressed. I expected some GIANT bare roots, being from Costco. These are just regular size bare roots. Does anybody have any experience with these? Do they grow fast?
These came out to $14/plant. I saw Home Depot has them in 2 gallon with buds and everything for $23. Now I’m thinking if it’s not better to just pay the extra $9/plant and get them from Home Depot. If these grow fast I’d be ok with them. But fully grown 2 gallon pots at HD looked very tempting today.

I may drive by our local Costco today but I don’t expect much. In general everything has been selling out since Covid… plus I really don’t need any more trees.

costco here has grower’s pride trees in #5 or so pots, 1/2" caliper, basically potted bareroot that they’ve grown out till now. satsuma on nemaguard, flavor king (forget rootstock), lapins on g12, sweetheart on g6, a couple apricots and nectarines unlikely to do well here. one of the apricots was from burchell. $46.99! I actually bought a lapins and sweetheart, a lot of money but I was looking for these specifically on these rootstocks. I expect the sweetheart will be comically vigorous on g6 and I have a special spot for it to try UFO.

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Guess who’s carrying Grower’s Choice now? Lowes, but they’re about $7-8 more!


That is interesting. I need to check my local Lowe’s (I really do not need more trees).

Lowe’s in my area carries Itoh peony which is a class in itself. It is $59.98 a pot.


Yes my Lowes in Denver has them also 23$. For us they have a few descent varieties for peaches like Contender, Reliance, and Ohenry as well as others on Lovell and Nemaguard. Also have J plums on Citation and Apricots on Citation and Cherries on Mazzard and Mahaleb. To me its a way better deal than their potted fruit trees.

Just left Costco in Nashua, NH No trees.

Not sure any Costco in MA carries any fruit trees this year.

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That’s too bad! I did see some at Home Depot the other day, but didn’t look too closely. We’ll be around for most of the afternoon if you want to swing by.

Back home already. Sunny day today. Time to move potted figs out of the basement.

Peach trees at Lowe’s are $36 and they are $60+ at HD. Although HD peach trees are bigger but as you may know bigger is not better for peach trees.


Costco trees are $20 now in Utah and selection isn’t what it used to be.

Price dropped quite a bit now, but it’s just apples…

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Good price

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I have been to 3 Costco locations, 2 in MA, 1 in NH this spring. None carries fruit trees these 3 years (sunce Covid). I don’t think I saw blueberry bushes, either. They used to be a big hit with the size of the bushes and its very reasonable price.