Looking for advice and suggestions. (I live in western PA in z5b or 6a depending on the map used)
So, I have 50 seedlings growing indoors that I plan on overwintering in the garage (maybe planting a few this fall to see how they do). A few of the tallest are 13 in now, I planted in january. Hoping to plant them next spring. I’m planning on doing this again next year with even more trees.
I’m thinking of planting them 8 ft apart in a zig zag or triangular pattern within rows to plant more per area, or maybe traditional straight rows. 15 ft between rows.
I’ve collected lots of hairy vetch seeds to plant either in spaces between trees or in between rows. Vetch is a nitrogen fixer and the field I’m planting in is low in nitrogen.
I had the field bulldozed recently as it was overgrown with multifloras and blackberries. I have a large pile of manure that I will spread out soon where I plan to plant.
For mulch, I think straw would be cheapest and help with weed suppression. I will be mowing regularly between rows.
I’m thinking of buying tree tubes to use as shade for the first few years, though they aren’t cheap. Blue-x is the cheapest and they have a 30in size that should be sufficient. Fiberglass stakes would probably be best so they can be reused.
I’d like to try grafting to these trees at some point though I’m not sure when would be the best time to do so (before or after planting and at what age).
I have 4 grafted paw paws that I bought and planted last year (shenandoah, allegheny, mango, and wabash) and will likely buy 2 more at the ohio festival this year.
As you can see, I have plans for what to do. I’m just not too sure about them, haha. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!