Hello Everyone,
I was trying not to drop this into a non-lawn forum but I’ve found that the community here is the best for such things.
I was under the impression that this beast was a variety of crab grass but now that I’ve gotten to see it mature I am not as sure. It certainly has the radial growth pattern of crab grass, broad leaves, and has those woody “stems” that you see with crabgrass but the seed heads are not what I expected.
I live in the north east with sandy soil if that helps. Its actually sort of pretty once mature but difficult to mow and awful to walk on so it has to go. Any help identifying it is appreciated since it is the first step to taking it down.
Thank you Levers. It could be. I might have culled it before the seed heads matured. Question is, will broad leaf weed killers work to eliminate it from the lawn?
Well crap. I knew that we planted the grass at the wrong time of the year but the options were, bald dirt for an entire season or put down grass in the spring and try to mitigate weeds. We also enjoy the clover so even selective herbicides have their downside. I guess I will try to kill it with broad leaf herbicide but if that fails we will need to start from scratch next August/Sept.