Crawling/walking insect pests

Great info, thanks! I had heard of putting netting around a tree to discourage squirrels from climbing and stealing fruit. Sheep’s wool to prevent crawling insects I had not though, fantastic idea…

That could account for Scott’s Neem solution for Peach borers or the lime+salt paste solution I read about on an FB post. I’m still not sure how or why the wood ash on the ground at the base of the tree works though. I was told by a reliable source that it had worked for them and others for many years. I had plenty of ash so I figured I’d give it a try, so far so good. I’m just the type who likes to know the why’s and how’s I suppose…

Primarily for caterpillars and sounds a bit labor intensive… Probably fairly effective though.

For chickens diatomaceous earth is still used to control lice and worms by many people including myself. You can also use it on your pets for fleas, but it is not good for their respiratory system if inhaled. It is safe to use for deworming pets and some people also take it orally for that purpose. DE also has the added benefit of killing ants if you spread it at the base of your trees.

still has it’s place IMO.

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Crushed glass around grapes to discourage cut worms.