Crazy grafts

I have these photinia bushes all over my property. They look like they have been there for a long time. I was surprised to learn how closely related they are to pears and apples so grafted pears and apple to them.

Below is pear on photinia.

Below is apple on photinia. I grafted some red fleshed apples to my gala apple tree so I had some gala scions left over from that. Some of them live here now.

Below is olive on Japanese Privet. I thought they were dead but when I unwrapped them I saw this.

I also have loquat on photinia and pomegranate on crape myrtle that are just starting to leaf out. I’ll post pics when they are farther along.


Below is pomegranate on crape Myrtle.

And this next one is loquat on photinia

Here is an update on olive on Japanese privet.


I didn’t realize they were related. Is this a proven viable graft or experimental? Pretty cool, thanks for sharing.

For me it’s experimental but I read about this in another forum and according to them they are not only viable but producing fruit every year. That was a huge surprise to me so I decided to try it myself. Anybody who lives in the south typically has Crape Myrtle trees everywhere. I have 5 myself I inherited from the previous owners.


Yes, Crape Myrtles are a favorite landscape tree in SE USA. I am growing a few on my property.

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Some heady combos for sure! Keep us posted about how they do!


what about locust trees? are they related to anybody good?

Distantly related to Beans. It would be funny if you could graft a bean plant to the tree, and be able to harvest some bean pods. :smile:

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challenge accepted.


Pigeon pea is a woody perennial bean that grows on a substantial bush. They’re a staple crop in the Caribbean and elsewhere. Not frost hardy, though…


I have found the pinnacle of frankenscience. They have successfully grafted a tomato to a daisy using a tobacco interstem, thereby grafting two completely unrelated families together.

science.abc3710.pdf (2.0 MB)


it’s a far distant relative of any bean, but peas are a bit closer. I am growing out some peas of a variety of types to try it. I bet none take, but the tree is big and there’s plenty of room. what kind of graft should I try? cleft maybe? I’ve only ever done one bud graft, but I think this late in season they night be the only option.

peas and beans are annuals here so it’ll die in October no matter what I try.

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You’ll probably be limited by the pea stem’s resilience. A whip or splice graft (single sloping cut) is the only thing I can imagine working. That’s the graft used for most tender succulent stemmed veggies- tomatoes, cakes, watermelons. It’d be an interesting experiment,

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will try the splice. and I’ll take pictures for this weird thread.

how about onto thornless honey locust? same group? and what about barberry, there’s so much of that here


Interesting experiment @PomGranny may be interested in trying that!


I can believe that. Honey locust already produces pods that are quite edible and have a high sugar content. Native Americans ate them and they are used for cattle as well.


So how are the pea and bean grafts to locust coming along?

The ancient Greeks and Romans liked crazy grafts too. The link below describes this.

I’ve always wondered if canabus and humulus (hops) could be grafted.

Maybe black locust and Siberian pea shrub?

I wonder if anything else could be grafted to a morus (mulberry)?

I know tomatoes and potatoes seem graftable. Anyone know of any other graftable vegetables? Brassicas might be a possibility.

great thread…



I have beans just about thick enough to mess with. the black locust is in bloom, so I’m gonna to try one on honey locust in a few days when I have the day off. I think cleft graft is the only way to do it. I’m going to use scarlet runner bean to try with just bc they’re ready


@Chills ,

Fig and mulberry are related and the ancients seemed to think they can graft to each other. I have read hops and cannabis can be grafted together. Tomato can be grafted to potato, tobacco, eggplant, goji berry, etc. I think cantaloupe and cucumber can be grafted together. Many possibilities with vegetables. I looked at all that a while ago but I haven’t gotten around to trying it. I am currently trying to graft chestnut to oak. I have read that works but haven’t had a success yet.

One you don’t want to try is tomato grafted to jimson weed. It grows well but produces poisonous tomatoes.

5 Poisoned by Tomatoes Grown on a Toxic Weed - The New York Times