Curious Mulberry Problem

While I will readily admit I am a rank amateur, I ran across a curious mulberry disease (or diseases) that Google was not able to diagnose for me.

Specifically while out at our farm and noticed two native mulberry trees near our proposed orchard planting area.

That said, there was only one berry between the two trees and both appeared to be suffering from some sort of biological problem (or problems).

I have attached some photos, but in essence the first appears to have a fungal growth on the leaves similar to what I have seen on oak leaves before.

The second has what I can only describe as multiple chrysalises made of leaves attached mainly to the top sides of the leaves.

While neither of these trees themselves are consequential, I certainly want to know what I might need to be proactively treating for prior to planting domestic mulberry cultivars.

Any advice/input you all have is most welcomed!


Looks normal for M. rubra in the wild.

Thanks, @Richard!

So, are you saying this is not disease at all, but rather normal growth on the leaves?

Thank you again- I do appreciate your input!


It depends on your definition of “normal”. I am saying that it appears normal for M. rubra trees left to the elements that I have observed in the NE U.S.; i.e., north and east of the state of Pennsylvania inclusively.

Thank you, Richard! I sincerely appreciate your input.

Have a great evening.


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Looking at Fig.10 in the link, provided from Matt_in_Maryland here: Mulberry: the king of tree fruits (for pigs) - #100 by Matt_in_Maryland
Is it possible these trees to be red or slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and not mulberry?


I agree. Those don’t look like mulberries to me.

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Thank you for your response- It looks like you win the tree sleuth award:

There must be a yet-to-be-identified mulberry in the immediate vacinity as I found a mostly ripe and red mulberry on the ground immediately under the tree with the green galls.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. I sincerely appreciate it!

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Thank you @tjasko. It looks like you and @Matt_in_Maryland are correct, and I appreciate you helping to steer me in the right direction!

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I agree. Those particular leaves may be Slippery Elm.



I apologize- I didn’t give credit to you for the accurate diagnosis! Thank you for your help, and please see below- it appears it is a “green gall” associated with slippery elm!

Thank you again for your help. I sincerely appreciate it!

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The leaves do not look like mulberry to me. very cherry like leaves but it is not cherry. I have one of this tree. It is not particularly a huge tree. They have small fragrant flowers in spring, like a perennial flower call gooseneck. In the fall the berries are very small and red. Birds and squirrels love them. Matt_in_Maryland maybe right that it could be slippery elm. I need to google and compare leaves. Mind have the same issues that your tree has.

Thank you, @Roundface!

I’d be curious to hear what your tree is if you find out.

Thank you again for your help, and have a great evening.

I went out today, there are 2 trees which similar leaves one has white fragrant flowers and then tiny red fruits. the other has none. I googled online, the 2 trees I have are not slippery elm. I don’t what they are. I will take pictures and post later. thx