Anyone here familiar with growing currants? I planted a white current this year and it did great, but after harvest it declined and now seems to have anthracnose based on some online research.
Just completed a 2nd round of sulphur spray over a week, but I noticed that my red currants are starting to show symptoms too. Kinda depressing. Not sure if I should continue to try controlling it, or just give up and remove the plants. Any pointers or anyone with experience that can give advice welcome. I’m aware anthracnose can’t be cured. Some pics included.
I am in zone 7a warmer than your zone. However, I do not think you will have your answer until next spring when new branches sprout and old branches die back. I would prune about three to four inches off of the top to make the plant more round. Mulch it well this winter.
It’s probably fine, currants don’t do well in the summer heat. These plants grow best when it’s cloudy, cold and chilly! They should thrive in your zone. Just keep them watered till dormancy. Honeyberries look even worse, they really hate the heat. So your plant has some leaf issues, not uncommon for mildew, leaf spot and other leaf diseases to attack this time of year. It will not kill the plant. Black currants often pick up powdery mildew. Two of mine have it. Not even treating it.
You should probably prune when dormant. Keep only 6 shoots each year. Red/white/pink currants fruit mostly on 2 year old wood. Once shoot has seen 3 years remove it.
You can also prune to a “leg” or a cordon. I grow them all three ways to see what I like. I have enough plants to experiment. Keep the scion after pruning to start more plants.
Thanks everyone for the positive comments and tips, makes me feel better for sure. Yes it’s definitely been hotter and more humid than usual here. I’ll see how they do next year. Will definitely be pruning too. I took some cuttings of all my currents this spring and they all rooted and took off easily. Great way to get more plants!
I’m still harvesting Crandall black currant. The berries ripen over time, and they are huge! It ripens later than all my other currants which are done. I’m not sure if it’s the year, or it is always this late? It fruited last year a few and I don’t remember it being this late?
I want to add two more currants and I’m done Jonkheer Van Tets Red Currant because it is said to have the best taste. I got rid of all reds except Rovada because the strings are longer and the berries bigger. I could not really tell much of a taste difference? But willing to compare to JVT red. And also want to add Kirovchanka Black Currant as it comes from Lee Reich’s garden. He is an amazing grower and author. His pruning book I use as reference. So far what he suggests has worked great for me (Rovada) and also Belaruskaja which I bought this year.