I have a pear tree that is now almost 50 years old that I got as a tiny seedling under an arboretum tree labeled “Siberian Pear (Pyrus ussuriensis)”. At that time, I was not aware of any ornamental pear plantings of Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana). Now, through the years, I have not noticed any difference between my tree and all these other ornamental pears that have been planted (or escaped). Are there any definitive differences between these two species that I can use to conclusively ID my old tree or its seedlings?
They are very different trees. Do you have pictures?
I have callery pear seedling with graftings of Maxine delicious, giant Turnbul, and another Asian pear. Callery pear makes great rootstock for full size trees topping 40 feet when mature and old.
If they are very different trees, what are the differences?
leaves, fruit, and bark are different do you have photos of the green leaves? Here is an example of a difference. This is callery
Greenor red new growth wood on callery is normal. Callery trees can be very thorny but its not always true. Leaves are crinkly frequently. The fall foliage of callery are very red. The red foliage is very apparent at many times in their lives when tje tree is under stress as shown here Wild callery pear rootstocks.
Harbin are very different trees when they break dormancy they have slight brownish husks around the leaves like this. Callery will not do that. Leaves are more rounded when open
Harbin bark is typically more gray like this one
Callery frequently have thorns turning into branches as typical hrowth like this
The fruit of callery can be seen here that i took pictures of. Typically the fruit is the size of a pea 99% of the time but the can and will cross The next step in pear rootstocks is clearly callery or gmo - #8 by clarkinks
Siberian pear are typically much larger fruit 1" to 1 1/2 " turning yellow when they are ripe. The photos below are not mine. All the other photos are ones i took the ones below are internet images
Callery fruits do not turn yellow they stay brown. The blooms and leaves on your tree at a glance look siberian. Callery readily adapts and crosses quickly so i am saying what i am for clarification.
Callery does what it does for purpose of survival. Siberian typically do not do well here in Kansas but i grow a few for testing. Callery are excessively hardy the same as BET rootstocks. Siberian pears are somewhat variable in their colder climate where they thrive.
Callery foliage in the fall is very red as you can see by one of my trees
The following pictures are from root sprouts (not grafted). The main tree has not leafed out much, just flowers. What are the fall colors for Siberian/Harbin leaves? My fruits are smaller than a marble and turn brown (not yellow). Could either specie do that?