Hello. I have 2 types of plums - Toca and Black ice ~ 25 ft between each other.
Could someone please explain to me how to understand if the fruit got pollinated or not. I have some pea size fruitlets (that are 100% pollinated, no question there) but also multitude of smaller round rice grain size. Some smaller some bigger and smaller started turning yellow. I assume they weren’t pollinated. But is there a possibility that those still green rice size got pollinated later compare to pea size?
how old are the tress? my black ice bloomed like crazy last year at 2nd leaf but only set 3 fruit. most aborted. ive read thats normal until the tree gets a little older. same happened to my romance cherries. Black ice is somewhat self pollinating so likely not a pollination issue. likely those smaller ones will shrivel and abort. mine just started blooming yesterday with my Juliet cherry. yard smells great and bees everywhere.
The trees both year 4 or maybe even 5. I’ve been getting fruit (those that aren’t destroyed by curculio). I just see all these pictures of branches covered in plums and i don’t know if I just need to wait little longer or those few pea sized is all i can count on.
mine was about 6 ft. when i got it so probably the same age as yours. i think in a few more years it will set alot more fruit. does your other plum flower at the same time?
Yes, both trees bloom at the same time.
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Here are the examples from Toka. White is Surround WP.
Bigger rice grain and then smaller that are yellowing
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And here is the pea size and rise size.
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By looking at the photos,right now,I’d say most of those will mature,but not if they’re turning yellow.
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yep. exact same thing happens to mine. im about a week or so behind you. hopefully i get a full crop this year on mine. i have a branch or brookcot apricot grafted on it and it set 4 pink blooms last week. be cool if it had both plums and apricot set on the same tree.