Discolored apple leaves

This tree was grafted and grew fine last year. This year the scion never leafed out. The seedling rootstock grew several branches below the graft union, but they all have this strange coloring on their leaves. Anyone know what’s causing this?


Looks like Apple Mosaic Virus.


Thanks, I’ll remove it.

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if you plan to remove it, before you do buy Lugo’s iodine mix up a batch of solution in a sprayer at 40 drops per gallon and spray the leaves and water the tree with iodine water mixture at 20 drops per gallon. i speculate that this might control Apple Mosaic Virus. Studies suggest iodine is effective on viruses. no one has done this experiment as far as i know on fruit trees.


I haven’t dealt with it, but what little I’ve seen on it suggests it’s easily controlled. You may want to read up on it before you remove the tree. Just a thought, hope it works out for you!

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