Alan…I never said anything about your spray program. Yes…you have experience and a great sprayer, so how exactly does that change anything? A sprayer?
My comment is absolutely rooted in fact, not opinion.
No, I’m not saying that. Good try though. I’m saying what I said…nothing else.
Applied the best fungicide? Tell us Alan…what is “the best” fungicide in all cases for *all *things? Your comment directly indicates DR apples have no value because you can “simply toss some fungicide into the mix” and any apple can be made as good or better than DR varieties in regards to fungal avoidance.
First…that’s simply not true. If it were, orchards (who spray regularly and are generally better informed) would never. ever have any fungal issue…right? How much less then would the typical homeowner with a BYO who is juggling children, a job, and life in general be able to manage it?
So are you trying to tell me that armed with your vast experience and your awesome sprayer you’ve never had scab in your orchard, CAR on your Goldrush, mildew on anything…and oh yeah…what about fireblight?
What fungicide are you tossing in the mix in your awesome sprayer for fireblight?
Your comment (and one that you make over and over), directly tells folks “why bother with a DR variety” when tossing some fungicide into the mix" makes all things equal.
It does not,it doesn’t here, it doesn’t there, it doesn’t anywhere no matter how much experience the applicator has and no matter the quality of the sprayer.
Your comment is bad advice when applied generally and does not follow your own guidelines of dispensing information that leads to successful fruit growing.
Oh…suggesting that I’m speculating is a low blow and almost as childish a cheap shot as the sprayer comment. I guarantee you my few trees are kept better and more uniformly sprayed using my sprayer than yours are. And why exactly would you even mention that?
So again…tell us what model sprayer we all need to buy and what all fungicides we all need to be armed with (the best as you say) so we can be successful.
Oh, and please don’t forget to tell us how to successfully manage fireblight with fungicide. Fireblight resistance simply cannot be trumped by any spray of any kind whether sprayed through a “quality” sprayer or not. Same goes for varieties that are scab resistant or have field immunity.
That my friend is not speculation, and on the contrary, the waters are not muddy here, they are crystal clear.