I have three pluots, all planted in 2019. The Flavor Supreme and Flavor Finale have developed lots of fruit spurs, but I see no such spurs on my Flavor King. All the places where fruit developed last year have become seemingly dead stubs. It does have a lot of buds along last year’s new growth. I’m wondering if perhaps some varieties of pluots do not develop spurs (though I can’t image why this would be). Given the situation, I’m thinking I should prune it more like one would for spurless fruits, such as nectarines.
Do any of you have experience with Flavor Kings not having any/many spurs?
Any advice on whether this is a problem, and whether I should prune differently would be greatly appreciated.
I am not certain but I am also interested since I am grafting some pluots, but they are not yet grown enough to bear. I found this article that imply an answer and provides some pruning advice. If you get a definitive answer let me know. @scottfsmith may know since I read an article he wrote on his experience.
Take care
Kent, wa
Thanks for the link! I’m intrigued and confused by the opening sentence: “Most plums and pluots produce their fruit on short, compressed stems called spurs.” Most? Not all? Is that true?