I do not hear much about spice bush Lindera Benzoin
alos known as appalachian allspice
I may have seeds of both
(sorry no scion wood of lemon quince as I cannot get in trouble gathering)
I have not experimented with it yet
I should this week, and I can post my results with the group
The young leaves, twigs and fruit contain an aromatic essential oil and make a very fragrant tea[55, 62, 95, 102, 149, 183]. The twigs are best gathered when in flower as the nectar adds considerably to the flavour[183]. The dried and powdered fruit is used as a substitute for the spice ‘allspice’[2, 46, 55, 62, 95, 183]. The fruit is about the size of an olive[245]. The leaves can also be used as a spice substitute[55]. The new bark is pleasant to chew[183].
Spice bush has a wide range of uses as a household remedy, especially in the treatment of colds, dysentery and intestinal parasites[222, 238]. It warrants scientific investigation[222]. The bark is aromatic, astringent, diaphoretic, febrifuge, stimulant and tonic[61, 149, 227, 257]. It is pleasant to chew[227]. It is used in the treatment of coughs and colds[257]. The bark can be harvested at any time of the year and is used fresh or dried[238]. The fruits are carminative[222]. The oil from the fruits has been used in the treatment of bruises and rheumatism[222]. A tea made from the twigs was a household remedy for colds, fevers, worms and colic[222]. A steam bath of the twigs is used to cause perspiration in order to ease aches and pains in the body[257]. The young shoots are harvested during the spring and can be used fresh or dried[238]. The bark is diaphoretic and vermifuge. It was once widely used as a treatment for typhoid fevers and other forms of fevers[213, 222].
The leaves contain small quantities of camphor and can be used as an insect repellent and disinfectant[169]. An oil with a lavender-like fragrance is obtained from the leaves[245]. The fruit, upon distillation, yield a spice-scented oil resembling camphor[245]. An oil smelling of wintergreen is obtained from the twigs and bark[245].
----------------------( Quote from Here )
(opps Almost put Linderia
(no not Stink Horn Mushroom bad smell
that’s is to make good feeling for woman.
mushroom group says)