Does anybody have a Garden Grid irrigation system?

Does anybody here have a Garden Grid drip irrigation system? What’s your experience been?

These are pretty pricey, but I think if they are durable and work well it might be worth it. I have six 4’ x 8’ raised beds that i currently water by hand, and am researching options for installing drip irrigation.

For the last 15 years I have been using 30" x 30’ grow boxes for my garden. I have 2 runs of drip tape evenly spaced along the length of each box. That is sufficient to water the whole thing well and isn’t too spendy.

I would think three runs would cover you well with a 4’ box.

Personally, I prefer narrower boxes for easier access.

I do the same. I have 4 runs of 6 inch spacing 0.5 gph emitter tubing running the length of my planter boxes. My boxes are 4 x 16 ft. Each run held taught by a single irrigation stake at the end. I bet you could get away with less dense spacing but I like to be able to plant out young vegetable seedlings and it helps to be able to get them right next to a dripper so they get water directly to the tiny root system.

In my opinion drip tubing is the way to go. It will give you more flexibility and be cheaper. But probably doesn’t look as neat.

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as others have mentioned get drip tapes from dripdepot. I use a 15 mil tape which is working for last 3 seasons.