Does anyone else grow and produce cackle fruit?

:heart_eyes: Beautifull!

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what breed?

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just picked up 4 copper marans and 2 americana hen chicks from T.S.C. holding out for 6 more R.I Red hens to fill the little coop.

A bit of a mix. The ones with yellow bills are half Toulouse and half Embden. The one with the dark bill has brown and white Chinese mixed in.

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i noticed that, thats why i asked. the 1st 2 you mention are more behaved. Chinese can be aggressive. ive raised them all at one time or another.

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The Chinese I have I hand raised last year so they are very friendly to me but probably only because spent so much time with them as goslings. The Chinese goose is sitting on a clutch of eight eggs now.


the Chinese i had had a more slender neck and a large knob on the beak above the eyes. that one looks more embden to me but if shes a cross thats probably why.

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Yes, her knob is very small. Here is a photo of her parents. They both have a more pronounced knob. Itโ€™s always possible a different gander is the father, my geese donโ€™t seem to be monogamous.

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One of my girls layed a whopper today! Same one used to lay double-yolkers almost every time in her first year. 115g!


my leghorns gave me some cockahs but i never weighed them. one was bigger than a duck egg.

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Sand Hill Preservation is great!