I keep a blog with lots of information and photos of my potager - started mainly to keep a friend up to date on what I was doing, but it has turned into a very useful record of what I plant, when I harvest etc. I find I am referring back to it more and more to check what I did in previous years.
I use Google sheets on my phone as well. My phone is always with me as I constantly take photos of my potager/ vegetable garden and orchard. Using sheets mean I can add comments while I am in the garden - though my lists are not as detailed as others have mentioned. It is mainly for planting dates and variety names (I am hopeless at remembering) I am now also recording germination temperatures of vegetable seeds in a sheet too.
Wow!!! I am ashamed to even take a picture and post of mineā¦only I could understand it or find much. My daughter will have fun with it someday though. HAHA
Wow, you all have some pretty nice journals. I actually just started my first garden journal a couple of weeks ago. It is ~ 7 years too late but cāest la vie. my daughter got a hold of it a few days back and decided to add a couple of entries with crayolas and pencils. I am sure she was making detailed drawings of the state of her blueberries .
I just write in my journal book. It is one of those diary looking books. I keep a map list of my trees on one side of a page with the year on it. I measure my fruit tree heights every year. Then I put the information about particular weather events in it. I also put blooming times and ripening dates in it each year. It really helps me.